Should the credit card be declined, an additional 2% buyer's premium may be charged. PAYMENT - Online bidders will be charged immediately with the credit card on file with the Online provider you registered with if you have not made prior arrangements to pay by check or cash. There is no sales tax on absentee bid purchases shipped out of state.Ģ. Sales tax will be collected on items picked up live or shipped to Kansas residents. BUYERS PREMIUM -On-line bidders using will pay 15%. Announcements day of Auction day take precedence over printed material.ġ. By registering to bid, or placing a bid, you accept and agree to abide by these terms. Location: 201 SE 59th St, Topeka, KS 66619 Driving Directions:Īll sales made only in accordance with these terms. Live Pick will be held June 28th from 10 AM - 2 PM. Kansas residents can pay cash during the live pickup. Checkout Date & Times: Buyer will be notified if bids were successful and will be contacted regarding shipping. Currency Type: USD Shipping Instructions: SHIPPING & REMOVAL - Please see # 5 in our terms & conditions Preview Date & Times: Please contact the auction house for preview dates and times. Should the credit card be declined, an additional 2% buyers premium may be charged. Online bidders will be charged immediately with the credit card on file with the Online provider you registered with if you have not made prior arrangements to pay by check or cash. Internet Premium : 15% Participation Requirements: Valid Credit Card required for bidding approval Payment Options: Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express Visa MasterCard Discover American Express Payment Instructions: PAYMENT - Payment may be by cash, cashiers check, certified funds, Visa, MasterCard or Discover.